The goal of {cellviz3d} is to propose visualisation of meshes created from the segmentation of 3D/4D microscopic images, and point clouds. In particular, it helps visualising meshes from MorphographX, in combination with {mgx2r}, or point clouds from the MaMuT Fiji plugin, in combination with {mamut2r}.

How to cite

To cite {cellviz3d}, call the R built-in command citation("cellviz3d").

Marion Louveaux. (2018, October 19). cellviz3d: a R package for the 3D and 4D interactive visualization of cells and biological tissues (Version v0.0.2). Zenodo.


You can install the released version of {cellviz3d} from Github with:

# install.packages("devtools")
# With vignettes
devtools::install_github("marionlouveaux/cellviz3d", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Full documentation with {pkgdown}

See full documentation created with {pkgdown} at


A vignette is available in the package if you built it during installation with build_vignettes = TRUE:

  • vignette("cellviz3d-mgx_meshes", package = "cellviz3d"): how to build 3d interactive plots of meshes as issued from {mgx2r}


The data in the example below were created with the package {mgx2r}, on the example dataset of {mgx2r}. This dataset is a timelapse recording of the development of a shoot apical meristem of the plant expressing a membrane marker. I took one 3D stack every 12h and have 5 timepoints in total. To know more about the example dataset of {mgx2r}, see"mgx2r-package").

plotlyMesh() creates a plotly graph of type mesh 3D, with custom colors and custom hover information for a single mesh. Below, the mesh is displayed with one color and one cell label per biological cell. Cell label is visible when hovering over the cell center.

For more examples, see the vignette of {cellviz3d} and {mgx2r}.


Many thanks to [@friep]( for her help on the plotlySpots_all() function.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.